How to Make Sanity-Saving Key Fobs

How to Make Sanity-Saving Key Fobs

A key fob or wristlet is something I use to keep track of my keys. Let’s be real, things can get lost in purses. A key fob can be the difference between standing in the parking lot struggling with three kids on your heels complaining about waiting for you to unlock the car door (too real?) and quickly finding your keys, unlocking the door, and preventing three simultaneous meltdowns. Ask me how I know. 

Luckily, I can teach you the skills needed to make one (or ten) of these sanity-savers. With just a few pieces of scrap fabric and easy to find hardware, you too can successfully navigate these trying times (seriously, why are kids so allergic to boredom!?).

Required materials:

key fob required materials


Step 1: 

Take the 2 ½” by 12 ½” piece of fabric, fold it in half lengthwise with right sides together and iron.

iron fabric strip in half

Sew ¼” down the open side of the folded strip of fabric creating a tube.

sew down open edge

Carefully center the seam and iron it open.

iron seam open

Step 2: Flip your fabric tube over and take the 1” by 12” piece of fusible interfacing and, with the sticky side down, iron it to the side opposite the ironed open seam.

iron interfacing to fabric tube

Step 3: Now for the fun part. Take the fabric tuner and insert it into one of the open ends of the fabric tube. Hook it onto the other end of the tube and gently pull the tube right-side out.

turn tube right-side out
turn tube right-side out
turn tube right-side out

Iron the now right-side out tube flat. I find misting it with water at this point really helps everything to lie nice and flat. 

iron fabric tube flat

Step 4: Take the flattened tube over to the sewing machine and top-stitch about an ⅛” from the edge down each side. 

sew down both sides

Step 5: Fold the top-stitched fabric in half with the right sides facing out (as opposed to the side with the seam) and sew the ends together creating the fob loop. 

sew edges together

Trim off the dangling threads so that they don’t pop out of the hardware in the next step.

trim off threads

Using the pinchers that came with your key fob hardware set, pinch the hardware onto the sewed edge of the fob loop.

pinch hardware to key fob

Here is a short video of how I attached the hardware with the pinchers:

Attach the swivel clasp and you’re done!

handmade key fobs

These key fobs are made using the Art Gallery Fabrics Sew Obsessed collection including pieces from the Happiness is Handmade quilt panel. I think they would make the perfect gift for your sewing friends!

diy key fob tutorial

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